social practice

The Best Reasons for Having More Than One Child

Here is an article by April Peveteaux September 2011 who is reviewing a new book on the importance of siblings which talks about similar things that my research raised. April Peveteaux It turns out my rah-rahing for having a second baby is actually backed up by science. Who knew? Well now we all do thanks to this new book The Sibling Effect by Jeffrey Kluger, and his interview on Salon. Kluger tell us that yes, siblings really do matter. And if you have one, you should take full advantage of that relationship, because it’s the only one you’ll have for your entire life. Kluger acknowledges that not everyone has an awesome relationship with their brothers and sisters, but after he shows why it’s so important, he encourages us all to pick up the phone and foster closeness with the sibs. Something we should also try and do with our own [...]

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