attention 24/7

A perspective from 21st Century- 14 year old

 My four issues Hi Bernice I’m an only child (14 yrs old) and have been looking around the web for a site such as yours because I’m trying to list the problems that being an only child can cause. [Issue 1] I’ve accepted that my parents are too old to have another child, but it is something I’ve always wanted regardless. I would substitute for a dog, but the ‘rents don’t want one. [Issue 2] My best-friend (a fellow only) and I have what one could only call a sister bond, sometimes because I always take care of her, give her a shoulder to cry on. [Issue 3] I have a very tenuous relationship with my parents, and I suspect because of having 100% attention 24/7, I’ve found my own ways to rebel against them by sometimes being difficult and lazy. Because there’s no example for either my parents or myself to follow, I don’t really know how to talk [...]

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